Bitcoin price forecast in 2023

 Crypto Bull Run Will Start in 2024 - Bitcoin Price Prediction in 2023

The crypto Bull Run hasn't started yet, it will happen in 2024. My twelve-dollar Bitcoin price prediction still stands What you're seeing right now is a bear market rally which I know triggers that sense of FOMO but keep discipline. I love cryptocurrency, I love Bitcoin, and I think in the next Bull Run there's going to be a lot of money to be made, there's going to be a lot of new millionaires minted, but if you've got a finite amount of money and you're trying to turn around.

Bitcoin price forecast in 2023

  • A small amount of money to a large amount of money, you can't screw up your entry points if you have the mindset that the price where Bitcoin is right now is good enough that if you buy now and hold it, you'll be fine the next day.
  • If that's your mindset I'll tell you you know what I agree you'll do ok but you won't do great I'd rather you maximize your earnings and do great not just ok and you should have some.
  • Standards If you want to be average and do ok with cryptocurrencies then this article probably isn't for you as most of you know I warned everyone in February of 2021 that Bitcoin would peak later that year,
  • And it came true I actually made the 11 minutes I told you so you can check it out for yourself a couple of months ago so I'm not going to do that again today not only so I didn't call the top I just predicted cryptos would crash.
  • This obviously got it right my target entry point on BTC hasn't changed the high end of bitcoin from my target range of twelve thousand dollars so I would start buying at twelve thousand dollars.

In dollars, if it drops further the average cost in dollars will go down and then I'm going to rally I'm going to pack myself up for the next Bull Run until then I'm not paying your 21,000 bitcoins to the infected.

Is there a possibility that this rally in the bear market has some momentum yeah of course I can't predict short-term volatility and what happens in the next couple of weeks until the FOMC meeting on February 1st but mid-term there?

More downside there are more negative pains that will come because there's more clarity and I'll tell you why but first I want to say this on making this article BTC at twenty-one thousand dollars with this small high I dropped Bitcoin twenty.

A thousand dollars, the next resistances are 22500 and 24600. If BTC goes up I will go up the dollar cost average but don't get me wrong

I'm not shorting Bitcoin because I don't like cryptocurrency, on the contrary, I'm shorting Bitcoin because I want more cryptocurrency and I want to make money on the way down so I can get more cryptocurrency on the way.

So short selling is not for lovers of hearts if you don't know what you're doing I recommend you don't short Bitcoin I'm not wild I just do One X I just don't do 3x or 10x I don't use crazy leverage so I won't withdraw YOLO, So listen to how I see this happening

Below the United States, Europe and developed countries are used to basically low-interest rate environments of zero to 0.25 percent when looking at real interest rates as we speak.

Negative real interest rates in this kind of world haven't over-risked the environment which is great for cryptocurrency the world is crashing it's crashing pretty fast.

Bitcoin price forecast in 2023

It'll be back but it's not coming back soon we're still at risk in environments that aren't like 2020 or 2021 but capital is still moving into risk-free investments

We've got a high-interest rate environment right now, and so, that's going to hurt the economy, the US will be bad for Europe, and they'll be worse in China, they're still trying to get interest rates back on their feet, Fed money rates will.

It's going to go up a little bit this year maybe 50 basis points maybe 75 and that's going to hurt so what's going to hurt the most is the fact that interest rates are going to stay high for some time it could be six months at the earliest maybe 15

months at the latest when the Fed decides to cut interest rates the market expects sooner rather than later the market will say the Fed will pivot in 2023

Saying that the last pivot fed into 2024. Leading up to that time frame whether it's six months or 15 months or somewhere in between the economy is going to suffer so I would say that's a potential 99 some economic models are saying 100

I'll probably say never so I'll stick to 99 and leave room for a miracle soft landing as the economy deteriorates as GDP slows rising unemployment and more bankruptcies

Grabbing the headlines this will have an impact on the stock market and the cryptocurrency markets the Dow Jones will go down the Nasdaq will go down because it's been beaten a lot already it's been hit hard

And it will continue to get Hurt the Most The cryptocurrency market will be more closely related to the NASDAQ and on top of the deteriorating real economy I have to remind you that the Federal Market

Bitcoin price forecast in 2023

  1. The Reserve is doing quantitative tightening so in 2020 the real economy collapsed but the Fed saved the stock market and cryptocurrency inflation by printing trillions of dollars in excess money
  2. It had to go somewhere some of it went into the cryptocurrency markets the Fed won't turn their money printers back on in 2023 they can't turn their money printers back on in 2023 they can't because they have a choice they can't otherwise So they will exacerbate inflation
  3. So the Fed will not inflate the cryptocurrency market in 2023 by printing money they may try to save the day with the Fed pivot with interest rates but not with QE this is for
  4. 2024. And right now in 2023 what the Fed is doing with quantitative tightening is a headwind for the markets, especially for foreign assets at risk so what do I expect in the next six

Months I expect three things: One is that the economic situation will get worse Two I don't expect any help from the Federal Reserve when it comes to money printing or quantitative easing.

The cryptocurrency market continues to drop lower, I think this rally is a normal bear market rally, another classic dead cat bounce Now a lot of people are asking me this so I want to talk about it.

In saying Brian what are the best altcoins you can get into right now to prepare for the next Bull Run I will say this when Bitcoin hits twelve thousand dollars or less I prefer BTC to start the Huddle phase

As Bitcoin drops if it drops above twelve thousand dollars Bitcoin will hold so BTC will hold up better than most altcoins in other words if BTC drops below twelve thousand dollars altcoins

You're going to take a bigger hit from a percentage point of view that's because all coins have a higher beta compared to BTC when the coast is clear and the Bull Run starts that would be the perfect time

The cryptocurrency Exchange part or all of your bitcoin for altcoins because if you get twelve thousand dollars in BTC and you come out peaking at the next Bull Run be sure you can 8x or 9x but with altcoins because they have

Higher beta in a bull market you can do 30x 50x 100x the sky's the limit so don't misrepresent what I'm saying this is not a get-rich-quick scheme if you want this to work out perfectly for you you gotta play your cards

Rights and I say you'll have to wait at least two to three years and that's a lot of time to get emotional and make a lot of mistakes now here are the good parts of Bull Run

It starts in 2024 and I'm going to tell you why Bitcoin is in the first half of 2024 at that time we'll have fundamental economics working in our favor of supply and demand imbalance than that not happening that day

Having events due to the lag effect in 2024 we will have a recovering economy which is good for the markets the fed will bring back quantitative easing the money printers will be restarted and the money will work on that.

in my opinion.

Rotate back to quantitative easing risk assets so quantitative easing will weaken the dollar which will be a tailwind for cryptocurrency this will be the perfect solution.


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